Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Classes on Tuesday

Today I went to choir and girl scouts .

In choir, we are preparing for our concert. We sang "In the big rock candy mountain", "Animals, animals, rise and shine", "I heard about", and many more.

At girl scout, I made a kite, a windsock, and a glider flier. I also had a snack and it was animal crackers and juice bottle. I think the juice was cranberry because it was red and it taste yucky to me.

I also learned math at home. We learned about vertical lines and horizontal lines. I like learning math at home.

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you are singing much better than even last year. I remembered a few years ago, your singing was more like monotone shouting. Now, you voice is much richer. We pray that you do your best with joy as working for the Lord in all that you do.
