Saturday, March 28, 2009

an adventure

Today I went to the woods. We balanced on trees that broke and climbed trees.


  1. Sunny, I love your smile. :) Good job balancing and climbing.

  2. Hi Sunny! I love the pictures, you obviously have a lot of fun with your Daddy, W, and Mommy!

    I've added you to my favorites so my boys and I can be sure to check your blog regularly, just like I check your Mommy's blog!

  3. Hello Sunny! It looks like you are having a great time climbing trees with your brother!

  4. Sunny, it looks like you had a great time on those trees! I love your blog!

  5. Hi Sunny! Welcome to the World of Blog! I am very excited to see and hear about what's going on in your life. :)

    I'm going to add you as a friend so that I can follow your blog along with your mama's!

  6. Hi Sunny! We love your blog (Fauna and Araina too)! You are so cute and it looks like you had a great day in the woods with your family! I am also going to follow your blog so I can read any new updates! I can't wait to read more!

  7. Hi Sunny. That looks like a lot of fun to climb on those great big logs! You have a great little blog here.

  8. Thank you everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog.
